Xmas 2014

Merry Christmas 2014

From Brad, Gwen, Odin, Cyrus, and Drake Myers

What’s new now? Drake is 8, Cyrus 12, Odin 14. We got a new dog- he’s an asshole. The Seattle Seahawks won the Super Bowl. Everything after that last statement is not important. Stop reading and go spend time with your family. 

You know what’s annoying?: X-mas newsletters. Also, poor punctuation- like using a colon after a question mark. Although, I have used my colon after asking a question so it’s not uncharted territory for me. Let’s move on to more of ‘what’s annoying.’

Odin: He’s 6’1” now. He’s doing better in school than I ever didlowbar. It’s annoying that he’s taller than me. It’s annoying to burst into a room wielding my lead pipe to thwart a beastly, low-voiced burglar, only to find Odin studying Spanish. It’s also annoying that he plays the piano better than I cannevertried. It’s most annoying that he has earned his orange belt in Tae Kwan Do and my pride of this young man is an amalgam of fear and love, but also admiration. It’s annoying that he’s 1.5 years away from driving out of our lives.

Cyrus: He’s not 6’1” now. He’s musically minded and Gwen-hearted. It’s annoying that he can fit in any small space when we play hide-n-seek. It’s annoying that his piano skills and his ability to read music have made him a talented and intelligent musician. He even played in the middle school variety show! It’s annoying how talented he is because I never had any, and I feel that since we made him we should be rewarded….Turns out; we were…We’re so very excited that he’s now playing <gulp> the trumpet! He is also an orange belt in Tae Kwan Do, so it’s annoying that those statements I made just a year ago about having “several years of controlling these freaks” were complete lies. It’s annoyingrewarding that he’s momma’s little boy and how they snuggle all the time …It’s probably annoying how I promote and encourage that, but I will continue to as long as he’ll let me.

Drake: He’s shorter than everyone else in the house- sans pets. He’s a comic, he’s smiley, and good to be around. It’s annoying that he’s funnier than most of us here. It’s annoying that he has the same orange belt the other two liabilities have in Tae Kwan Do and I can still kick his ass. It’s annoying that I have to quit my arm bar on him when I feel those tiny little baby fingers tap out. It’s super annoyingpridemaking when he comes up with a funnier joke or retaliation than I have. It’s annoying that he’s my last one, that he’s potentially the last to leave, and I’m afraid that time is coming faster than I want it to.

Gwen: She’s the reason everything works in this family; and I mean ‘everything’. Seriously, I’m 48 years old and you’d think it would have just given up after all of the beatings I’ve given him. Censorship is annoying. Sensitivity is annoying. Being offended is annoying. It’s annoying that everyone wants to monopolize her time- and I totally understand it. It’s annoying that I always want to be around where she’s around, and sometimes I can’t be. It’s troublesome to think of not being “annoyed” by her, of not experiencing her, of not having her. It is annoying being selfish of her and it’s annoying that she doesn’t understand how special she is to all of us.

Family: Annoying: Drove to Universal Studios and Knott’s Berry Farm, Disneyland at Halloween, theater room and pantry remodel, a couple of fun weddings and birthdays. The Super Bowl party and game was NOT annoying. We spent some annoying time at Mt. Hood with wonderful friends. We dated, we enjoyed, we ‘familied’. We all entered Rehab again this year and that continues to be a rewarding and memorable experience.

Play with your family, love your family and blur the line between family and friends, but be careful. There’s a good chance your life may be more “annoying” because of it.


*** From our family to yours, we hope you have the most annoying holiday season ever! ***

Bottom line is ______________________________________

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