What was new?
Last year Gwen was finishing school and working at Boeing and I was struggling at school and trying to use humor as an outlet for my personal failure (that’s what that corny psychiatrist told me, he’s an idiot). We had purchased our first house and our puppies, Skipper and Gilligan, joined our lives.
What’s new now?
This year has been fun—Our puppies are still goofy and cute, they wrestle all the time and it’s fun to give them treats. I am still at Active Voice and putting on weight, but it’s all part of my Y2K planning, so while you are skinny and withering away I’ll be pulling donuts from rolls of fat under my chest (mmmm…rolls). Gwen is still goofy and cute and she’s fun to wrestle with and give treats…..So it’s pretty much a cute-wrestling-treat-eating party over here everyday! Anyway, here’s what’s happening:
The house thing is going pretty well, I purchased extra insurance because with today’s natural disasters and Gwen, you can never be over insured. We built a shed and horseshoe pits and tiled a couple of rooms and Gwen built her very own vegetable garden.
Gwen’s been putting on some extra weight recently and it is actually forcing her to find a job she can do from home. We are not that concerned because she plans to lose about 7-10 pounds around July 4th, 2000 in the form of our first baby. No kidding! She is very happy and scared but you really can’t tell because she’s sick and mad all the time. We listened to the heartbeat and we were both moved to tears. Gwen cried because that sound was resolution for what was making her sick and mad all the time. I cried because the intense screaming hit a pitch that caused my ears to bleed—the heartbeat was also the neatest thing I have ever heard. Gwen will be a cute pregnant woman and a fireball during the birth. She is about 12 weeks along as of December 15th, and she wants to work from home so she can protect our child from harm (I’m thinkin’ the same thing…who’s gonna protect our child from Gwen?) Honestly, I have no doubt this child will be loved and cared for. We are starting a real family now and everything just keeps getting better (except the mad part, oh and the urinating 7 times a night and the whining, my gosh, the whining).
It’s a pretty exciting time right now, what with it being the playoffs in my Fantasy Curling league and all. I had some key players injured early in the season with pulled brush tendons but I was able to draft a few rookies and……I’m kidding (there’s no such thing as a ‘brush tendon’). This baby thing has me freaked out! I’m thinking, “I’m not mature enough to have a kid and be a father.” But then I remembered that my friend, Mikky, has children and the State allowed him to breed, so I should be ok. But, how do you know you are qualified? I had to pass a test to drive a car and I had to be ‘approved’ to buy a house. What Gwen and I did isn’t even legal in several States. Gwen is still my favorite person, and I well up when I think of her and everything she has done for my life.
Anyway, We wish you all the best and happy holidays.
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