Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Xmas 2011

Merry Christmas 2011
From Brad, Gwen, Odin, Cyrus, and Drake Myers

What was new? I complained a lot about our kids not earning money to live here. The dogs were alive and degrading in health. Gwen was perfect. I was living the dream.

What’s new now? Drake is 5, Cyrus 9, Odin 11. Gwen has taken couponing to a new level resulting in savings I’m not even comfortable sharing. I did some writing that I got paid for and even more writing that I did not. All three boys are in the same school this year and I’m spending more time with them during recess. Gilligan and Skipper are barely alive and we have 3 bunnies that are learning what it’s like to be a pet at the Myers’ house. Poor bunnies.

jjDrake played soccer for the first time, went to Disneyland, Great Wolf Lodge, got a bunny, and spent numerous weekends at Rehab. The 5-year old did more things in his 5th year than I did in my first 10. He’s doing great in school, sits at a table with all girls (tiny booyeah!) and loves his teacher. He’s really funny and outspoken and smiles a lot. He cries a lot when he isn’t successful (just like me). On the soccer field if he misses the ball, he’ll cry and say his shoulder hurts or some other wussy excuse. I like that he cares enough about what’s going on and that he gets emotional about it. But I’m getting in trouble with the league and other parents because I’ll pull him aside and make him wipe his tears with Tampax products. Other team parents say it’s insensitive, inappropriate, and some other ‘in-’ words that I had to look up before I got mad. You really just need to let me be— otherwise my attempts at making things right tend to backfire. In this case, I explained exactly what he was using and he threw up in his mouth and is now afraid of girls—way to go other parents! (http://www.goodchildparenting.com/)
         Drake – He’s cute, fun, happy, and likes to dance, sing, and play games with his brothers. He wants to succeed and shows his emotions whether he does or does not succeed—which are good things. He makes us laugh all the time and he’s growing up too fast for our liking.

jjCyrus is active and funny and smart and loves video games. He’s taking indoor tennis lessons and climbing the rock wall at the Y (please see http://paidtopoop.blogspot.com/p/f-y.html). He didn’t play soccer because we are still afraid of his head getting hit, but I’m pretty sure that our fear and deep rooted guilt about this will go away in no time! He’s doing well with the head injury thing, nothing of note to mention. Cyrus has the quickest wit in the house and the heartiest laugh. If you were to ask us how he’s doing in school, we’d say, “Well.” (But you have to sound out “well” like the way you would say it when asked if you cheat on your taxes—and as a question…”Welllll?”) He likes school and he has lots of friends and he’s actually doing quite well if you consider other factors like his gene pool and that situation where his parents let him sleep in a loft with the knowledge of his sleepwalking. See? That guilt and sorrow is fleeting away ever so quickly.
     Cyrus – He’s also cute, funny, happy, and has adorable eyes like those of a crazed-gamer. He’s very bright and doing welllll? in school and is so courteous and respectful. We’re very proud of him and I just want to treat him like I treat other things I’m proud of: Play rough with him but always remember that he’s sensitive and needs extra attention at the top.

jjOdin played soccer again this year and has also become quite the accomplished swimmer at Rehab. He’s still bright and respectful and honest and we can always count on him to make good choices. He has an excellent friend base and it’s because he’s a good friend too. He understands the value of good friends and does what he can to maintain good relationships. Even the pets we have around the house are tuned in to Odin’s personality and they love him. Example: we have three bunnies that bite all of us, except Odin. Odin’s bunny will sit on his lap and lick him until he can’t stand the tickling—then the bunny leaves and bites Gwen. Odin has reached that age when he laughs appropriately at the things I say. Meaning, I’m not getting away with some of the humor around the house like I used to. This really means I was being inappropriate all the time and he just gets it now.
         Odin – He still loves Lego’s and builds some pretty cool stuff—always outside the box. He likes to swim and be pulled on the inner-tube at Rehab and he’s learning some good camping skills. He is a well liked person with respect for adults and his peers. He’s fair, kind, well adjusted, and most likely doesn’t have a drug problem—all things we strive for as good parents.

jjGilligan and jjSkipper are gross. Gilligan is deaf and farts all the time, and Skipper is deaf and just poops wherever he currently is. Which I guess means that their intestines are working fine, but their sphincters aren’t. Sometimes you don’t realize the value of having children until something tragic like this happens and you get to make your kids pick up poop. It’ll be sad when the dogs leave this letter – for all the ‘crap’ they’ve given over the years, they’ve tripled in joy.

jjGwen still works full time doing medical billing. I’m reluctant to list too many things about her because it makes me look bad and some feel bad. But the fact is; she’s a super-person… Full time job, coupons like crazy, spends time in each kids classroom, cooks and cleans, does all the food and gift shopping, works out, holds many sleepovers and play dates for the kids, and still has the spunk and spirit from the first day I met her (I said ‘spunk’). She digs finding deals and this year she took us all to Disneyland and maybe again next year. She donates tons of food (literally) overseas to our troops and NW Harvest and also the local FISH. Through her couponing, she has set up quite the stockpile and does it for the savings as much as for her hobby. She loves Rehab and hanging out with the family and she’s just fun to be around. Her health and beauty are excellent, she’s my bff and the primary reason I continue to write and feel good about it.

jjI still love to write and make people laugh. Quick shout-out to everyone on FB that has commented on my posts and/or my commentary on posted pictures. It’s really like a drug to me and just keeps boosting me up so I really appreciate that. Did I just use “shout-out”? That’s embarrassing, the next thing I’ll start doing is wear my pants down so I have to buckle my belt at my thighs and start holding my 9mm sideways. Holla back, gangsta! Ok, I don’t think I do any of the things in Gwen’s list above but I might participate in watching her do some of it? I’m like Chandler from “Friends”: I don’t have any discernible qualities but I am funny and lucky so I get the hot girl. Check out http://paidtopoop.blogspot.com/ where I post some stuff, sometimes. We have a great life here at the Gig and spend a lot of time laughing at each other- I highly recommend it. I still like riding my motorcycle, watching movies with my family, hanging out with friends, and capping a few thugs with my 9. If you’re ever near the hood, hit us up!

Here’s to hoping your Christmas doesn’t suck: Cheers!
The Myers Family

jj = In memory of JJ; my mom’s long time love and best friend. Her heart misses you, sir.

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